Blue Humanities in Central Asia

Lecture / Discussion
Jambyl Library (43 Nazarbayev Ave)

The public talk provided a venue to discuss with the researcher a concept of blue humanities research proposed by Steve Mentz. The discussion focused on the development of the concept in different regions of the world. Thus, the participants talked about problems related to access to water, environmental disasters and the right to water in the Central Asian region.  

The discussion also touched upon how contemporary art and curatorial projects can contribute to shaping the water future in Central Asia. Madina Tlostanova shared how artists help to solve water problems using images, symbols and metaphors. 

Madina Tlostanova is a decolonial writer and researcher, professor at the Department of Gender Studies at Linköping University (Sweden), Ph.D. in Philology., the author of the collection of articles Decoloniality of Knowledge, Being and Sensing Sensation [«Деколониальность знания, бытия и ощущения»] (Tselinny Center for Contemporary Culture, 2020).

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