Presentation of the translation of the book Decoloniality of Knowledge, Being and Sensing Sensation

At the presentation of the book translation on 14 June 2023, the founders of the Friedrich Schegirtke project, Tlek Yrysbek, a poet and translator, and Safina Aktay, a writer, journalist and translator talked about the importance and dificalties of this translation and the importance of this text, three years after the publication of the collection of aricles, and the designer of the book Kamila Zahidova, a teacher of critical and editorial design talked about the physicality, critical design and ease of publication.
The collection traces the genealogy of the major concepts, ideas, and goals of the decolonial thought as they have formed and changed over the past three decades. The author returns to these constants from the perspective of today's moment and a rapidly changing world. She critically addresses key issues of the decolonial turn such as the separation and possible dialogues with postcolonial theory, existential and ontological aspects of decoloniality, the decolonisation of the museum and the university, decolonial aesthetics and affectivity, and the analysis of post-Soviet culture and art through the lens of decoloniality. The work of three contemporary artists using decolonial optics – Saule Suleymenova, Taus Makhacheva and Hayv Kahraman – is presented in close-up images. The collection of articles is addressed to a wide range of readers.