«Reimagining the Future» and «Post-Soviet and Postcolonial: The Central Asian Crossroads»

Lectures and workshops on «Reimagining the Future» and «Post-Soviet and Postcolonial: The Central Asian Crossroads» were held as part of the Academic in Residence programme of the Tselinny Center of Contemporary Culture. The intensive educational research-and-discussion offline programme gave the participants an opportunity to explore these topics in depth and discuss topical issues. The event connected to the release of the translation of Madina Tlostanova's book, and the participants were selected through an open-call procedure.
Madina Tlostanova is a decolonial writer and researcher, professor at the Department of Gender Studies at Linköping University (Sweden), Ph.D. in Philology., the author of the collection of articles Decoloniality of Knowledge, Being and Sensing Sensation [«Деколониальность знания, бытия и ощущения»] (Tselinny Center for Contemporary Culture, 2020).